Saturday, October 23, 2010

The possibility of partial breakthrough

Beyond the tactical level, to strategic level - health care IT in the local face of such opportunities.

Tranquil compared to 2005, medical information that is shown at the beginning of 2006 is different. Cite several developments recently learned that as evidence.

First, the number of hospitals selected to begin soon. According to the PLA General Logistics Department, Ministry of Health Information Center, Renning Yi said, follow the trend of medical and health system reform, the General Logistics Department Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health will jointly launch the digital hospital in the year were selected. This work is not a castle in the air. Medical and health information after the SARS epidemic in 2003, the parties have caused food for thought, since then, the digital hospital of the pilot and report to work on the agenda of local and which were carried out. General Logistics Department is in the end of 2003 the Ministry of Health held a military base in health information technology, building workshops. At that meeting, many military hospitals have put in the digital hospital building as its target. Nearly three years in the past, people understand the digital hospital may be more abundant and more diverse point of view, at least from a technical point of view beyond the original interpretation of the "three noes" (no paper, no film, radio) feature. In deepening the public's expectations of medical system reform, and business, management, medical IT is closely related to naturally take responsibility. Therefore, health care IT will be more and more problems with the medical system directly linked to the origin.

Second, health information standards being finalized. Absence of medical and health information standards, is constrained at the operational level health IT to promote the cause of the most important factor overall. The end of 2003, after weighing the same, the Ministry of Health lead the national health information standards organization launched the formulation. As a major issue, focused on the country field of medical and health information crack, were to carry out the overall framework of health information, hospital data collection standards, public health (including maternal and child health) information standard-setting. April 2004 Health Information Association of China established the professional standards committee is to break the boundaries of the previous sector to achieve the medical, health, social security, information industry and other expert resources to integrate the relevant departments to ensure the availability of standards.

Third, promote the Association building. A month ago, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital should include Director of Information Center, Li's invitation, I had the privilege to participate in the information the Chinese Hospital Management Association Professional Committee (CHIMA) held the first Spring Festival activities. Activities gathered from the military and the local hospital information technology experts and the backbone line.鏈娲诲姩鏄腑鍗庡尰闄㈢鐞嗗浼氫俊鎭鐞嗕笓涓氬鍛樹細鐨勨?鏈?悗涓?鈥濇椿鍔紝鍥犱负涓崕鍖婚櫌绠$悊瀛︿細灏嗘寮忔洿鍚嶄负涓浗鍖婚櫌鍗忎細锛屼腑鍗庡尰闄㈢鐞嗗浼氫俊鎭鐞嗕笓涓氬鍛樹細涔熷皢闅忎箣鏇村悕涓轰腑鍥藉尰闄㈠崗浼氫俊鎭鐞嗕笓涓氬鍛樹細锛屽悕绉扮殑鏇存敼灏嗕細涓哄浼氱殑杩涗竴姝ュ彂灞曟彁渚涙洿鍔犲箍闃旂殑绌洪棿銆?br />
鏂板勾涔嬪垵鐨勮繖浜涘姩鍚戞樉绀哄嚭锛屽尰鐤桰T鐨勫畯瑙傜幆澧冩鍦ㄦ寔缁敼鍠勫苟鍙栧緱闃舵鎬ц繘灞曪紝鐩镐俊灏嗗浜庡尰鐤桰T閮ㄩ棬鍦ㄥ尰闄㈢殑鍦颁綅锛屼粠鍙湁鍙棤锛屽埌鎶?湳鏀寔銆佸埌浠婂悗鏀拺涓氬姟鍙戝睍鐨勬垬鐣ユ?閮ㄩ棬锛屽皢璧峰埌鎺ㄦ尝鍔╂緶鐨勪綔鐢ㄣ?濡傚悓鐜伴樁娈靛尰鐤椾綋鍒跺彉闈╁皻鏈垚鍔燂紝鍖荤枟IT涔熷皢涓庝箣鍚屽懠鍚搞?鍏卞懡杩愶紝骞剁浉杈呯浉鎴愶紝璧板悜绾垫繁銆傚洜姝ょ患瑙傚叏灞?紝瓒呰秺鎴樻湳灞傦紝杞悜鎴樼暐灞傦紝鍖荤枟IT鑷冲皯鍦ㄥ眬閮ㄩ潰涓磋繖鏍风殑鏈轰細銆?br />


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