Saturday, October 23, 2010

The possibility of partial breakthrough

Beyond the tactical level, to strategic level - health care IT in the local face of such opportunities.

Tranquil compared to 2005, medical information that is shown at the beginning of 2006 is different. Cite several developments recently learned that as evidence.

First, the number of hospitals selected to begin soon. According to the PLA General Logistics Department, Ministry of Health Information Center, Renning Yi said, follow the trend of medical and health system reform, the General Logistics Department Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health will jointly launch the digital hospital in the year were selected. This work is not a castle in the air. Medical and health information after the SARS epidemic in 2003, the parties have caused food for thought, since then, the digital hospital of the pilot and report to work on the agenda of local and which were carried out. General Logistics Department is in the end of 2003 the Ministry of Health held a military base in health information technology, building workshops. At that meeting, many military hospitals have put in the digital hospital building as its target. Nearly three years in the past, people understand the digital hospital may be more abundant and more diverse point of view, at least from a technical point of view beyond the original interpretation of the "three noes" (no paper, no film, radio) feature. In deepening the public's expectations of medical system reform, and business, management, medical IT is closely related to naturally take responsibility. Therefore, health care IT will be more and more problems with the medical system directly linked to the origin.

Second, health information standards being finalized. Absence of medical and health information standards, is constrained at the operational level health IT to promote the cause of the most important factor overall. The end of 2003, after weighing the same, the Ministry of Health lead the national health information standards organization launched the formulation. As a major issue, focused on the country field of medical and health information crack, were to carry out the overall framework of health information, hospital data collection standards, public health (including maternal and child health) information standard-setting. April 2004 Health Information Association of China established the professional standards committee is to break the boundaries of the previous sector to achieve the medical, health, social security, information industry and other expert resources to integrate the relevant departments to ensure the availability of standards.

Third, promote the Association building. A month ago, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital should include Director of Information Center, Li's invitation, I had the privilege to participate in the information the Chinese Hospital Management Association Professional Committee (CHIMA) held the first Spring Festival activities. Activities gathered from the military and the local hospital information technology experts and the backbone line.鏈娲诲姩鏄腑鍗庡尰闄㈢鐞嗗浼氫俊鎭鐞嗕笓涓氬鍛樹細鐨勨?鏈?悗涓?鈥濇椿鍔紝鍥犱负涓崕鍖婚櫌绠$悊瀛︿細灏嗘寮忔洿鍚嶄负涓浗鍖婚櫌鍗忎細锛屼腑鍗庡尰闄㈢鐞嗗浼氫俊鎭鐞嗕笓涓氬鍛樹細涔熷皢闅忎箣鏇村悕涓轰腑鍥藉尰闄㈠崗浼氫俊鎭鐞嗕笓涓氬鍛樹細锛屽悕绉扮殑鏇存敼灏嗕細涓哄浼氱殑杩涗竴姝ュ彂灞曟彁渚涙洿鍔犲箍闃旂殑绌洪棿銆?br />
鏂板勾涔嬪垵鐨勮繖浜涘姩鍚戞樉绀哄嚭锛屽尰鐤桰T鐨勫畯瑙傜幆澧冩鍦ㄦ寔缁敼鍠勫苟鍙栧緱闃舵鎬ц繘灞曪紝鐩镐俊灏嗗浜庡尰鐤桰T閮ㄩ棬鍦ㄥ尰闄㈢殑鍦颁綅锛屼粠鍙湁鍙棤锛屽埌鎶?湳鏀寔銆佸埌浠婂悗鏀拺涓氬姟鍙戝睍鐨勬垬鐣ユ?閮ㄩ棬锛屽皢璧峰埌鎺ㄦ尝鍔╂緶鐨勪綔鐢ㄣ?濡傚悓鐜伴樁娈靛尰鐤椾綋鍒跺彉闈╁皻鏈垚鍔燂紝鍖荤枟IT涔熷皢涓庝箣鍚屽懠鍚搞?鍏卞懡杩愶紝骞剁浉杈呯浉鎴愶紝璧板悜绾垫繁銆傚洜姝ょ患瑙傚叏灞?紝瓒呰秺鎴樻湳灞傦紝杞悜鎴樼暐灞傦紝鍖荤枟IT鑷冲皯鍦ㄥ眬閮ㄩ潰涓磋繖鏍风殑鏈轰細銆?br />


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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Serial ATA and SCSI rematch

Magic pirates Road ridge - ATA and Serial SCSI rematch

Speaking from the application level, ATA and SCSI is much larger than complementary relationship between competition and compete with the existing value should be no distinction; But if tapping the technical details of what what the weak strong, the discussion of precedence is not no significance.

History: Winning the basis of

The advent of SCSI earlier than ATA, specifications and more perfect, but it does not mean that the application of new technologies is always walking in front of SCSI. This more typical example is the double along the transmission (DT, principle equivalent to DDR) and the CRC checking, introduced in 1996, Ultra ATA/33 (also known as Ultra DMA/33) already in place, a full two years earlier than the SCSI (Ultra3 SCSI).

Some features are equally matched. Still CRC checksum, for example, initially only the data with (Data Phase) to enjoy this treatment, then ATA and SCSI invariably be enhanced to include command and status on all transfers, including content protection (below) - from standard setting to the product of, Serial ATA 1.0 and Ultra320 SCSI are almost the same in time.

CRC-wide changes

However, the basic underlying framework, inherent in the ATA how hard they try to shrink the gap with SCSI. LVD (Low Voltage Differential, low-voltage differential), an uncomplicated but requires double data lines (transmission, respectively positive and negative voltage signal) technology, a decision SCSI and parallel ATA (Parallel ATA, PATA) for development important factors. LVD enhanced signal interference, anti-fading ability, help to extend the connection distance, to ensure the reliability of high-frequency transmission. LVD's point of view standing problem, it is easy to understand why SCSI do not rush to adopt the double along the transmission and the CRC checksum.

If you do not use double along the transmission, PATA to achieve 33MB / s bandwidth, operating frequency will reach 16.6MHz, but PATA's 40 data lines when the operating frequency approximation 11.1MHz had not guarantee transmission quality, while the double along the transmission to Ultra ATA/33 without raising operating frequency (8.3MHz) can achieve the same purpose, CRC checksum of the introduction is beneficial to maintaining data integrity. However, with bandwidth re-doubled (66MB / s), 11.1MHz was eventually break, so Ultra ATA/66 forced to move out of the ground 40 to increase the design, although results can not be compared with LVD, but finally able to extend the life of to Ultra ATA/133 (running frequency 33.3MHz).

In contrast Ultra2 Wide (U2W) SCSI, 80MB / s of bandwidth do not need to double along the transmission, because the LVD cable sufficient to meet the operating frequency of 40MHz, there is no CRC check data quality is not bad. Along with a pair of Ultra160 SCSI transfer and CRC check, so operating frequency remains unchanged, cables do not have to change; Ultra320 SCSI operating frequency increased to 80MHz, with a special cable required in theory, but the structure of cable no substantive changes, therefore good quality LVD cable can still be used (only connections from the may be some impact).

Distance from the connection, the number of devices to multi-task operating capacity, SCSI built on the underlying architecture is the PATA advantage of not catching, LVD is just one example.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Zhou Hongyi: Free Mode subversive

銆怑DITORIAL: are we likely to make a mistake, that is to take existing business model to cover new applications, it is very easy to draw wrong conclusions. 銆?br />
Although the free model has been discussed for a long time, but I found that many people are still misunderstanding.

I think the "free" is the Internet's genes and blood. If a service is we all need, it must be free, such as search, instant messaging and so on; but the value-added services, not everyone should use, you can be charged. Such as playing games, you do not want to spend time grinding on the inside; some people buy a sword directly on the Swordsman, so the sale of props can be a value-added services.

Chris Anderson summed up the free theory and the Long Tail have built a huge user base, the otherwise can not work. China and the U.S. in the Internet world in the same starting line, also has the largest population, traditionally have 300 million Internet users, mobile users will reach 6 700 million. Therefore, China can find good examples of free patterns, such as Tencent and 360.

Get a free service after a huge user base, then the cost of access to users is almost zero. If the introduction of new products such as Tencent, only their own users to be a description, overnight, a lot of people to use. In addition to value-added service charges, cost savings on the market and huge brand value, is free of charge to the intangible asset model obtained.

I have to do with Charles Zhang said input very good, he say no money, but he found a dog through a free input method can establish the brand and reputation, than to spend the same money play much better advertising results. Such as Mengniu, Yili annual cost a lot of these traditional companies do a lot of advertising in the CCTV, but the real with the 360, Thunderbolt these Internet companies than the last people who come into contact with many? Has a huge user base, follow-up marketing to enter the virtuous circle basically no marketing costs.

But "free" model looks simple, not everyone can do. If you enter an existing market giants, fierce competition, often requires a lot of input. For example, 360 years ago into the security market, it is because we have the support of several million U.S. dollars, or security software is really free to do with their Rising competition is difficult to stick to it. But judging from the United States, Web2.0 era, many creative input is not significant advance, including Twitter, but only if you have a special innovation, to New Two years later we still can not understand how did Twitter matter.

We are easy to make a mistake, that is to take existing business model to cover new applications. For example, Yahoo is doing Banner ads, Google will not operate, but do keyword advertising, this is a commercial model of subversion. Out to Facebook, many people will use search engines point of view of it should do targeted ads, proven advertising model which does not work, Facebook's revenue depends mainly on value-added services, which some like Tencent model.

Look at Twitter, I can tell you, the Company's micro-Bo is not Twitter, it's business model is doomed Sina on the original media model, advertising, or with the operator split, they do not really understand Twitter. I think that, Twitter is a revolution in the future, it may include the Internet, Google is a kind of subversion, this is under way. We can not use the traditional gateway to the business model to see Twitter, or would come to wrong conclusions. Twitter allows communication between people is not a "one on one" or simply "one to many", but a complex network. When the terminal is no longer limited to the Web site Twitter, there may be television, mobile phones, the Internet is subversive, then, now many Internet products will be completely Xiecai, it can ruin an old industry, which is the power of the revolution !

Note: This article first appeared in the "entrepreneurial state" magazine


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Practical marketing rule: do not properly take four steps to worry about customers

1, 250 Law: not to offend a customer

銆??鍦ㄦ瘡浣嶉【瀹㈢殑鑳屽悗锛岄兘澶х害绔欑潃250涓汉锛岃繖鏄笌浠栧叧绯绘瘮杈冧翰杩戠殑浜猴細鍚屼簨銆侀偦灞呫?浜叉垰銆佹湅鍙嬨?濡傛灉涓?釜鎺ㄩ攢鍛樺湪骞村垵鐨勪竴涓槦鏈熼噷瑙佸埌50涓汉锛屽叾涓彧瑕佹湁涓や釜椤惧瀵逛粬鐨勬?搴︽劅鍒颁笉鎰夊揩锛屽埌浜嗗勾搴曪紝鐢变簬杩為攣褰卞搷灏卞彲鑳芥湁5000涓汉涓嶆効鎰忓拰杩欎釜鎺ㄩ攢鍛樻墦浜ら亾锛屼粬浠煡閬撲竴浠朵簨锛氫笉瑕佽窡杩欎綅鎺ㄩ攢鍛樺仛鐢熸剰銆傝繖灏辨槸涔斅峰悏鎷夊痉鐨?50瀹氬緥銆?As a result, Joe concluded: In any case, do not offend even a customer.

In Joe's marketing career, he will be 250 a day keep in mind the law, that holds a business first attitude, always in control of their emotions, do not make things difficult for the customer, or do not like each other, or their state of mind is not so good reasons neglect customers. Joe, said: "You just drive away a customer, it means a potential 250 off customers."

Second, business cards flying: to sell to everybody

Everyone to use business cards, but Joe's approach different: he explains his visiting cards, pay the bill at a restaurant, he should be caught card bill; in the sports field, he threw the card orgy the air.鍚嶇墖婕ぉ椋炶垶锛屽氨鍍忛洩鑺变竴鏍凤紝椋樻暎鍦ㄨ繍鍔ㄥ満鐨勬瘡涓?釜瑙掕惤銆?You may find this strange. But Joe says that the help he had made a sale to.

Joe believes that every salesperson should try to let more people know that he is doing, what sort of product sales. This way, when they need his product, they will think of him. Joe scatter card is a very unusual thing, people will not forget such a thing.褰撲汉浠拱姹借溅鏃讹紝鑷劧浼氭兂璧烽偅涓姏鏁e悕鐗囩殑鎺ㄩ攢鍛橈紝鎯宠捣鍚嶇墖涓婄殑鍚嶅瓧锛氫箶路鍚夋媺寰枫? Meanwhile, the point also is that the customer was there, if you let them know where you are, what you sell, you are likely to be more business opportunities.

Third, the establishment of customer files: learn more about customers

Joe said: "Whether you are selling anything, the most effective way for customers to believe - really believe - do you like him and care about him." If customers have a good impression on you, you hope to increase turnover. To make customers believe that you love him, care about him, then you need to understand customers, to collect all relevant information of customers.

Joe rightly pointed out: If you want to sell things to someone, you should do their best to collect his business-related information with you ... ... no matter what you are selling.濡傛灉浣犳瘡澶╄偗鑺变竴鐐规椂闂存潵浜嗚В鑷繁鐨勯【瀹紝鍋氬ソ鍑嗗锛岄摵骞抽亾璺紝閭d箞锛屼綘灏变笉鎰佹病鏈夎嚜宸辩殑椤惧銆?br />

銆??涔旇涓猴紝鎺ㄩ攢鍛樺簲璇ュ儚涓?彴鏈哄櫒锛屽叿鏈夊綍闊虫満鍜岀數鑴戠殑鍔熻兘锛屽湪鍜岄【瀹氦寰?繃绋嬩腑锛屽皢椤惧鎵?鐨勬湁鐢ㄦ儏鍐甸兘璁板綍涓嬫潵锛屼粠涓妸鎻′竴浜涙湁鐢ㄧ殑鏉愭枡銆?br />
銆??涔旇锛氣?鍦ㄥ缓绔嬭嚜宸辩殑鍗$墖妗f鏃讹紝浣犺璁颁笅鏈夊叧椤惧鍜屾綔鍦ㄩ【瀹㈢殑鎵?湁璧勬枡锛屼粬浠殑瀛╁瓙銆佸棞濂姐?瀛﹀巻銆佽亴鍔°?鎴愬氨銆佹梾琛岃繃鐨勫湴鏂广?骞撮緞銆佹枃鍖栬儗鏅強鍏跺畠浠讳綍涓庝粬浠湁鍏崇殑浜嬫儏锛岃繖浜涢兘鏄湁鐢ㄧ殑鎺ㄩ攢鎯呮姤銆傛墍鏈夎繖浜涜祫鏂欓兘鍙互甯姪浣犳帴杩戦【瀹紝浣夸綘鑳藉鏈夋晥鍦拌窡椤惧璁ㄨ闂锛岃皥璁轰粬浠嚜宸辨劅鍏磋叮鐨勮瘽棰橈紝鏈変簡杩欎簺鏉愭枡锛屼綘灏变細鐭ラ亾浠栦滑鍠滄浠?箞锛屼笉鍠滄浠?箞锛屼綘鍙互璁╀粬浠珮璋堥様璁猴紝鍏撮珮閲囩儓锛屾墜鑸炶冻韫堚?鈥﹀彧瑕佷綘鏈夊姙娉曚娇椤惧蹇冩儏鑸掔晠锛屼粬浠笉浼氳浣犲ぇ澶辨墍鏈涖?鈥?br />
銆??鍥涖?鐚庣姮璁″垝锛氳椤惧甯姪浣犲鎵鹃【瀹?br />
銆??涔旇涓猴紝骞叉帹閿?繖涓?锛岄渶瑕佸埆浜虹殑甯姪銆備箶鐨勫緢澶氱敓鎰忛兘鏄敱鈥滅寧鐘?(閭d簺浼氳鍒汉鍒颁粬閭i噷涔颁笢瑗跨殑椤惧)甯姪鐨勭粨鏋溿?涔旂殑涓?彞鍚嶈█灏辨槸鈥滀拱杩囨垜姹借溅鐨勯【瀹㈤兘浼氬府鎴戞帹閿??銆?br />


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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Experience the wind took the new brilliant new housekeeper brilliant new listing 2008

Recently, the demand for small and medium information from the "money management accounts" to "decision management", a comprehensive upgrade, in the "housekeeper" of the tenth anniversary of the anniversary, the wind took the company today introduced a housekeeper brilliant 2008 series software. This series of software to keep the housekeeper, "a simple, practical, easy to use" characteristics of the foundation, will provide small and medium business customers a more comprehensive solution capabilities, its cost higher, run faster, more practical, more action flexible. Housekeeper, not a brilliant 2008 series launch upgraded versions of the traditional sense, but a landmark leap.

Software as a housekeeper, a new masterpiece, housekeeper brilliant 2008 series will give users unprecedented value for SMEs a new experience. First, the housekeeper brilliant 2008 series of cost-effective, with a more comprehensive business solution capabilities, decision making rely on accurate and timely analysis of reports to assist management decision-making management. Second, the housekeeper brilliant 2008 series through a series of system optimization and improvement, the system runs faster than ever. Finally, brilliant 2008 series of practical housekeeper, also a stronger, more flexible operation set.

In recent years, with the rising demand for financial management of SMEs, many SMEs are no longer satisfied with simple "from settling accounts", but hope to have a set of management software to help its fast statistics, query and analysis of the daily business operations, customer relationship management, supporting business decision-making, by improving the management level to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. SMEs in China have been together ten years of wind took the company to grow and timely information to detect changes in demand for small and medium enterprises, with more than a decade to more than 30 million SMEs in the successful implementation of information technology experience, "Proceeding from the actual users demand ", the first comprehensive software to improve and enhance the functions of housekeeper, performance, to help small and medium enterprises in a changing and competitive business environment to maintain business speed, stability and development.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fraud warning: Fishing the latest plot and potential threats

As consumers and businesses can create a potential threat of cyber crimes, fishing in the past few years to the spread, the deceptive tricks are endless. The current downturn in the economic form, but also provides a breeding ground for fish, there has been the use of new social engineering to fraud without the knowledge of the phenomenon of consumers and business users.

First, fishing without boundaries

Fishing - to lure computer users to provide sensitive information, identity theft and business data - on both businesses and consumers a very real threat. In the past 10 the next year, the infiltration fishing, fishing in the daily attacks around the world, about 8 million times.

Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) reported that, in the second quarter of 2008, light phishing attacks rose by 13%, more than 28,000 times. It also reported that, in the same period, the infected computers to steal the password code, can be used to spread malicious software has been broken on the website 9500 - compared with the same period in 2007, an increase of 258%. Figure 1 shows the fishing - spear phishing in the 16 months of growth.

Second, beware of the latest phishing scheme

* Spear phishing (spear phishing)

Spear phishing attacks only against specific targets, usually the object lock is not a general person, but to a specific company, organization members, such as well-known banks, financial companies and their executives and so on.

Consumers are not the only spear phishing attack target. More and more employees are cunning criminals eyeing. Their goal is to obtain bank information, customer data and other information to support criminal acts of their network.

According to VeriSign iDefense, spear phishing attacks in April 2008 to May during the company launched the attack, reached unprecedented levels. The aim of these attacks is the company's senior management and other important figures. In 15 months, the number of victims of corporate users as much as a staggering 15,000. These victims include Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, financial institutions and law firms.

* Business Services phishing

In addition to spear phishing, the fishing new plot also targeted phishing attacks on commercial services. For example, the use of Yahoo! Introduced relations and Google's AdWords for fishing. According to PhishTank report, AdWords customers will be an e-mail to remind them of accounts need to be updated. , The user will be asked to visit the AdWords interface and a fake credit card information. As many SMEs rely on online advertising to provide site traffic, marketing managers who are vulnerable to anglers eye on.

* The use of economic intimidation launch phishing attacks

Gloomy economic situation, as the criminals phishing attacks launched to provide the facilities. For example, e-mail posing as financial institutions need to obtain from a victim of bank cards, deposits and loans and other financial information, to help deal with bankruptcy or mergers, acquisitions and other matters. A large number of mergers and acquisitions information, so that consumers are confused. To make matters worse, the lack of unified communications, even for those who have nothing to fear of fraud.

* Hybrid Fishing / malware threats

In order to increase the success rate, number of phishing attacks with malicious software, combined manner. For example, a potential victim received phishing e-cards sent by mail, by clicking on the card, the user will not know the conditions in a fake Web site to enter, and the infection site to automatically download over the Trojans . In addition, victims may see a message before viewing the cards need to download the updated software (eg Flash). When the user of the software, when in fact it is a keylogger.

Fishing-based keylogger will track each user access record, and monitor them useful information, such as online shopping, bank card accounts and passwords and other sensitive information.

Another allow phishers to capture sensitive information, Trojans, it is redirected. Redirect the user to enter not make its intended site. At present, based on fishing, keyloggers and redirection are pandemic.

* Middleman SSL penetration attacks

In 2008, the emergence of a new encrypted session enables criminals to deceive the malicious software. This variant of the standard middle attack that allows criminals access to the network transmission unprotected passwords and other sensitive information.

* SMS and phone phishing scams

Phishers may use SMS instead of email to impersonate a financial institution and obtain confidential account information. Known as smishing (short message through phishing attacks), is a typical cellular phone fraud, it will notify the user bank account has been compromised or bank card is disabled, and requested a telephone call to restore banking services. Once cell phone users visit the Web site or through automatic telephone system, will be disclosed fraudulent financial information and bank PIN number.

Third, the impact of fishing on the business

While the financial industry has always been a major target for phishing attacks, but it is not the sole objective of being phishing attacks. Online payment, donation sites, retail and social networking sites often become prey to anglers. Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) reported that cell phone providers and manufacturers against phishing attacks also showed a significant growth trend. In other words, no industry or field to escape danger from attack.

Posing as a company's official website phishing attacks, would seriously damage the company's brand image and hurt the confidence of users, allows users to not dare to visit the official website. In addition, the company will be subject to the following effect:

* The impact of customer trust, online revenue and click-through rate will decline

* Once the customer data was leaked, the company should pay compensation

Phishing attacks also cause the user can not easily conduct online transactions, especially for those who do not trust them.

Fourth, to prevent phishing attacks

Although there is no way to deal once and for all phishing attacks, but can still use some techniques to protect your users and your interests.褰撳墠鐨勯挀楸兼妧鏈紝涓昏杩樻槸渚濊禆浜庤浣跨敤鎴风櫥闄嗕吉閫犵綉绔欒幏鍙栫敤鎴蜂俊鎭?璇稿SSL銆丒VSSL绛夋妧鏈湪闃茶寖閽撻奔鍜屽叾浠栧舰寮忕殑缃戠粶鐘姜鏂归潰锛岃繕鏄捣鐫?嚦鍏抽噸瑕佺殑浣滅敤銆?br />

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銆??铏界劧缃戠粶鐘姜鍒嗗瓙姝e彉寰楄秺鏉ヨ秺浼氭ā浠垮悎娉曠綉绔欙紝浣嗙敱浜庝粬浠病鏈塃V SSL璇佷功锛屽洜姝ゅ湪鍦板潃鏍忎笂 骞朵笉鑳芥樉绀哄嚭浠栦滑鐨勫悎娉曚俊鎭?

銆??闄や簡鍒╃敤EV SSL璇佷功鎶?湳澶栵紝浼佷笟杩樺簲璇ュ鍛樺伐鍜岀敤鎴峰氨缃戠粶琛屼负鍜屽浣曢伩鍏嶆璇堣繘琛屽浼犲拰鏁欒偛銆傛暀瀵间粬浠浣曡瘑鍒豢鍐掔綉绔欙紝濡傦細鎷煎啓閿欒銆佸己鐑堣姹傜敤鎴锋彁渚涗釜浜轰俊鎭?浼?鍩熷悕鎴栬?鏈煡閾炬帴銆?br />

銆??*鏌ョ湅缁胯壊鍦板潃鏍?br />


銆??涓轰簡娑堥櫎閽撻奔鏀诲嚮甯︽潵鐨勬亹鎯э紝鏁欏鍛樺伐鍜屽鎴锋槸鏍戠珛蹇呰鐨勪俊浠荤殑鍏抽敭缁勬垚閮ㄥ垎銆傞?杩囧府鍔╁鎴风悊瑙e浣曠‘璁や粬浠槸鍚︾櫥闄嗗悎娉曠綉绔欙紝浼佷笟鍙互鑾峰緱鏇村鐨勫湪绾夸氦鏄撳拰鐢ㄦ埛璁块棶锛屽苟鎵╁ぇ鐭ュ悕搴﹀拰鏁翠綋閿?噺銆?br />

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Symbian preparing for the dynamic link library DLL

DLL (Dynamic Link Library) is a special code, which can be an external program in the program
When running call. The code inside the DLL can also be a number of external programs share, and will not cause
Repeated phone memory allocation.

Static interfaces vs polymorphic interface
Symbian system supports two types of DLL:
(1) Static Interface DLL
(2) The polymorphic interface DLL

Static Interface DLL when the program starts in the melody is automatically loaded to the phone memory inside (the only exception is
If the DLL is read-only memory inside the ROM, it can be called by its address). And
If there is no external program to use it, and it will be automatically unloaded from memory. Static Interface DLL in the system
Provide a range of unique functions (for example, the two have the same DLL export functions in the system will not be confused)
Static Interface DLL has. Dll file suffix, often used to implement the system in the Symbian application engines
(For example, has nothing to do with the UI code).

Polymorphic interface DLL is only clear by calling RLibrary:: Load () function can be loaded into memory, and
When uninstalling, also preferably through RLibrary:: Close () function to uninstall. Number of polymorphic interface DLL can
For the external program to export more than the same function name of the function. Therefore, this DLL is widely used in normal circumstances
An application framework to achieve when the plug-in extensions. In the Symbian system, polymorphic interface DLL can
A variety of different file suffixes. The most famous one is. App at the end of the (application),. Ldd (logic
Device drivers),. Tsy and. Csy (telephone and communication services module) and so on. . .

In this article, we will be only concerned with static interfaces DLL technology, it is you and I in the development of DLL far the most common type.
We will continue our common DLL's content.

Static interface DLL
From the perspective of the caller DLL, DLL has three files:
(1) header file:. H file suffix, you can # include into the main theme of the program code to only compile
Useful time.
(2) export file:. Lib file suffix, you can link from the main theme of the procedures, the documentation of the DLL's
All interface functions to provide the name and address.
(3) DLL file itself:. Dll file extension, including all. Lib documented interface function of the specific implementation
The main theme of the function at run time and implement some of the actual call.

From the perspective of writers DLL, DLL can be seen as a complete Symbian project.
It consists of the following components:
(1) project their own MMP file (the file listed in the bld.inf)
(2) a header file, specifies the interface of the DLL needs to export

澶存枃浠?br />DLL鐨勫ご鏂囦欢涓庡叾瀹冪被鐨勫ご鏂囦欢鐨勫ご鏂囦欢闈炲父绫讳技銆備笉鍚岀殑鍦版柟鍦ㄤ簬
浣跨敤浜咺MPORT_C瀹忔潵瀹氫箟鎵?湁瀵煎嚭鍑芥暟锛?br />class CMyEngine : public CBase
聽聽 // These functions are visible by the
聽聽 // clients of the DLL and needs to have
聽聽 // the IMPORT_C tag
聽聽 IMPORT_C static CMyEngine* NewL();
聽聽 IMPORT_C static CMyEngine* NewLC();

聽聽 IMPORT_C void MyPublicMethod();
聽聽 IMPORT_C void AnotherPublicMethod();
聽聽 // These functions are not visible by the
聽聽 // clients of the DLL and then do not need
聽聽 // the IMPORT_C tag
聽聽 CMyEngine();
聽聽 void ConstructL();
聽聽 void SomePrivateMethod();

鍦版柟闇?鐣欐剰锛?br />锛?锛塃32Dll()鍑芥暟蹇呴』瀹炵幇
锛?锛夊彟澶栦竴涓壒娈婄殑瀹忥紝EXPORT_C锛屽簲璇ュ姞鍦ㄦ瘡涓鍑哄嚱鏁板疄鐜?br />鐨勫墠闈?
For example:
// This function is mandatory for all DLLs
EXPORT_C TInt E32Dll(TDllReason)
聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 return KErrNone;

// This function is exported: The EXPORT_C tag shall be used.
EXPORT_C void MyPublicMethod()

// This one is not: The EXPORT_C tag shall not be used.
void SomePrivateMethod()
聽 // Do Something

DLL鐨凪MP鏂囦欢搴旇鏈変互涓嬬壒鐐?br />锛?锛夊畾涔夐」鐩?project)鐨勭被鍨嬫槸dll

鍦ㄥ紑鍙戣繃绋嬩腑锛屼綘涔熷簲璇ラ?杩嘐XPORTUNFROZEN鍛婅瘔缂栬瘧鐜锛孌LL鎺ュ彛杩樻病鏈?br />瀹氱锛岃繕鍙互闅忔椂淇敼銆?br />
For example:
TARGET聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 MyEngine.dll
UID聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 0x1000008d <myUID3>

鎶奃LL鎺ュ彛瀹氱锛團reezing DLL锛?br />涓?棪浣犲畬鎴愪簡DLL鐨勫紑鍙戯紝鍦ㄤ綘鍙戣浣犵殑DLL鐗堟湰涔嬪墠锛屽簲璇ユ妸鎺ュ彛瀹氱锛團reezing锛?br />杩欐牱鍙互纭畾灏嗘潵鍙戣鐨凞LL鍙互鍚戜笅鍏煎銆?br />
閫氳繃灏嗛」鐩殑MMP鏂囦欢涓殑EXPORTUNFROZEN鍏抽敭瀛楀幓鎺夛紝鐢ㄥ父瑙勭殑鏂规硶閲嶆柊寤虹珛DLL锛?br />鏉ュ疄鐜癉LL搴撶殑瀹氱銆傝繖鏃跺?浼氭湁鈥?def鏂囦欢涓嶅瓨鍦ㄢ?鐨勭紪璇戣鍛婁俊鎭嚭鐜帮紝涓嶈绱э紝
缁х画灏卞缓绔嬪綋鍓嶉」鐩紝鍦ㄩ」鐩紪璇戝畬姣曚互鍚庯紝浣犲彲浠ョ敤濡備笅鍛戒护瀹氱锛?br />abld freeze

鎵?湁鐨凙RM骞冲彴鍏变韩涓?釜.def鏂囦欢锛屼絾鏄浜巜ins妯℃嫙鍣ㄥ拰winscw CodeWarrior
鐜鏉ヨ锛屼粬浠湁涓嶅悓鐨?def鏂囦欢銆?br />
鏂囦欢鐢熸垚銆?br />


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Youtube FLV Download + Converter Plus

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

how to change windows movie maker files to iriver LPLAYER

Sunday, April 11, 2010

AlltoDVD AVI Converter

AlltoDVD AVI Converter is a professional and easy-to-use AVI to iPod Zune iPhone Converter, convert AVI file to MPG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, VCD, DVD, SVCD, MPEG1/2/4 formats. also can support batch video files conversion of different video formats such as DVD AVI MPEG ASF MOV SWF at the same time. Besides, it also can support to burn VCD SVCD DVD. And best of all, it has a powerful video decompress/compress engine that convert whole AVI movie to DVD in 30 minutes! Except for converting AVI to iPod Video and converting Video to iPod,it also supports converting among MPG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video!

Recommand Link:

Convert h.264 movies to matroska

Friday, April 2, 2010

Youtube FLV to PS3 Value

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device. The video conversion supports preview. About Playing Features. Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video. Supports "Drag and Drop" video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files. Cool UI skin available. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

Best youtube to mkv

Monday, March 29, 2010

Youtube FLV Save + Converter Home

Hot popluar youtube video Converter + download + player tool. With YouTube tool you can also convert downloaded YouTube videos to a format compatible with your favorite portable device; including - iPod Video, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone, Zune, PSP, as well as video capable MP3 players, video capable mobile phones, and Pocket PC, And finally... YouTube tool's embedded player will allow you to watch all your favorite YouTube videos off-line. So now you can enjoy any .flv and .swf videos anytime!
Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device. The video conversion supports preview. About Playing Features. Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video. Supports "Drag and Drop" video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files. Cool UI skin available. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

dvd vob to h.263 CONVERTER software

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happiness MOV SWF FLV to DVD

Happiness MOV SWF FLV to DVD is a All-in-One powerful tool, is easy convert MOV video to AVI, DivX, Xvid, MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD, SVCD, DVD video converter. The main features include: Batch convert MOV, QT files to AVI, MPEG, VCD,SVCD,DVD,WMV formats; Support different AVI video Codecs, such as DivX, Xvid, MPEG4; NTSC/PAL setting options for DVD, VCD, SVCD exporting; Change the framerate, image size etc as you like. Very user-friendly interface and easy to use. Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost! Key Features: Convert MOV to AVI, MOV to DivX, MOV to Xvid Convert MOV to MPEG1, MOV to MPEG2 Convert MOV to VCD, MOV to SVCD, MOV SWF FLV to DVD Convert MOV to WMV, MOV to ASF Support .mov, .qt files Support Batch convert NTSC/PAL setting option Support large video files, even large then 2GB Very fast and without any quality loss Very user-friendly interface.

Recommand Link:

change divx file type TO h.263

Friday, March 12, 2010

Christmasgift Flash to Blackberry

Christmasgift Flash to Blackberry is a professional video converter to convert Flash to Blackberry, and convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Blackberry MP4 format. The output iPhone MP4 video files can be played on your Blackberry. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output iPhone MP4 videos fit your Blackberry.

Recommand Link:

easy convert yuv To flv

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Perpetually DVD to PDA

Perpetually DVD to PDA is a professional DVD movie to PDA video converter software. Perpetually DVD to PDA directly converts DVD movies to your PDA. All you need do is to connect PDA to your PC and start Super DVD to PDA Converter. When the conversion is completed. Perpetually DVD to PDA is an innovative Windows application that transcodes your favorite DVD movies to SONY PDA directly. You can easily convert both PAL/NTSC DVDs for optimized video playback on PDA. Integrated world-class MPEG4 encoder make it possible to transcode whole DVD disc with the time half of playback time of DVD. You can select any audio track, subtitle, chapters of the DVD as you want.

Recommand Link:

software download to change rmvb to avi

Friday, February 26, 2010

Perpetually AVI Google Video M4V to iPod

Perpetually AVI Google Video M4V to iPod has the easy convert almost all popular video formats to iPod Video and other various video formats. It supports converting among AVI, MPG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video. VOB to iPod MP4 video and extracting audio from video file and converting to MP3, WAV, AC3, WMA, M4A, OGG, AAC etc.

Perpetually AVI Google Video M4V to iPod is a best video and movie converter to iPod! This product offers convert movie to iPod, Easy Convert AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. Perpetually AVI Google Video M4V to iPod helps you watch your music videos and movies on your iPod. In addition, you can also extracting audio from movie or music video and converting to iPod supported MP3 file format!

Recommand Link:

changing rm into transport stream

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Youtube Video Backup + Player Box

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Supports YouTube video or any .flv and .swf file as input file. Supports not only YouTube video, but also various video formats as input file, including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Supports a wide variety of output file format., including avi, DivX, XviD, rm, rmvb, MOV, MPEG, WMV. Provides various profiles, these profiles can meet the needs of most people. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

Easy change mpeg4 avc to divx avi

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Youtube Backup + Converter Today

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device. The video conversion supports preview. About Playing Features. Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video. Supports "Drag and Drop" video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files. Cool UI skin available. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

Yuv to ac3 conversion guide

Monday, January 11, 2010

How-to RM Converter

How-to RM Converter is the best RealMedia converter software. easy convert Real Media files(.rm, .rmvb) to AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VCD, SVCD, DVD files. convert RM/RMVB to AVI DIVX XVID MPEG VCD SVCD DVD and burn to DVD/CD. You can change the codec/system type to PAL or NTSC, and adjust the video size of the output files . It supports to convert almost all video, such as: RM to AVI, RM to DIVX XVID, RM to MPEG-1, RM to MPEG-2, RM to WMV, RM to VCD, RM to DVD, RM to PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video...

Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to MPEG with all encode format such as VCD PAL/NTSC, SVCD PAL/NTSC, DVD PAL/NTSC, MPEG-1 standard, MPEG-2 standard etc. Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to AVI with all encode format such as DIVX, XVID, Mircosoft MPEG-4 etc.

Recommand Link:

convert avc video to ipod

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happiness DivX SWF Convert

Happiness DivX SWF Convert - A fast video to DVD VOB converter which can convert and burn AVI, MPG, MPEG 1/2/4, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, Xvid, ASF, 3GP, Youtube FLV Converter easily. With this DVD VCD SVCD converter, you will know how to make a DVD video. You can use it to convert and burn DivX, Xvid, AVI, MPG, MPEG 1/2/4, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB files to DVD with chapter Menu. With that, you can convert downloaded videos and burn files into DVD, which means Internet become the storehouse of your home theater! Get Free download now!

Happiness DivX SWF Convert - What a powerful and attractive AVI, MPG, MPEG 1/2/4, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, Xvid, ASF, 3GP, Youtube FLV converter. This software can burn DivX to DVD and convert DivX to VOB and finish all your tasks with the fastest speed possible and the best quality available. No one will ask how to make a DVD video anymore once they try this great DivX to VOB converter. We highly recommend this program because we think it will make your multimedia life a lot easier and more enjoyable. It allows you to specify NTSC or PAL format, adjust 4:3 or 16:9 video aspect, and burn either DVD disc or ISO file. By setting bitrate and framerate, you can get excellent quality on TV screen. Just free download and enjoy it right now!

Recommand Link:

convert divx to ipod software