1, 250 Law: not to offend a customer
銆??鍦ㄦ瘡浣嶉【瀹㈢殑鑳屽悗锛岄兘澶х害绔欑潃250涓汉锛岃繖鏄笌浠栧叧绯绘瘮杈冧翰杩戠殑浜猴細鍚屼簨銆侀偦灞呫?浜叉垰銆佹湅鍙嬨?濡傛灉涓?釜鎺ㄩ攢鍛樺湪骞村垵鐨勪竴涓槦鏈熼噷瑙佸埌50涓汉锛屽叾涓彧瑕佹湁涓や釜椤惧瀵逛粬鐨勬?搴︽劅鍒颁笉鎰夊揩锛屽埌浜嗗勾搴曪紝鐢变簬杩為攣褰卞搷灏卞彲鑳芥湁5000涓汉涓嶆効鎰忓拰杩欎釜鎺ㄩ攢鍛樻墦浜ら亾锛屼粬浠煡閬撲竴浠朵簨锛氫笉瑕佽窡杩欎綅鎺ㄩ攢鍛樺仛鐢熸剰銆傝繖灏辨槸涔斅峰悏鎷夊痉鐨?50瀹氬緥銆?As a result, Joe concluded: In any case, do not offend even a customer.
In Joe's marketing career, he will be 250 a day keep in mind the law, that holds a business first attitude, always in control of their emotions, do not make things difficult for the customer, or do not like each other, or their state of mind is not so good reasons neglect customers. Joe, said: "You just drive away a customer, it means a potential 250 off customers."
Second, business cards flying: to sell to everybody
Everyone to use business cards, but Joe's approach different: he explains his visiting cards, pay the bill at a restaurant, he should be caught card bill; in the sports field, he threw the card orgy the air.鍚嶇墖婕ぉ椋炶垶锛屽氨鍍忛洩鑺变竴鏍凤紝椋樻暎鍦ㄨ繍鍔ㄥ満鐨勬瘡涓?釜瑙掕惤銆?You may find this strange. But Joe says that the help he had made a sale to.
Joe believes that every salesperson should try to let more people know that he is doing, what sort of product sales. This way, when they need his product, they will think of him. Joe scatter card is a very unusual thing, people will not forget such a thing.褰撲汉浠拱姹借溅鏃讹紝鑷劧浼氭兂璧烽偅涓姏鏁e悕鐗囩殑鎺ㄩ攢鍛橈紝鎯宠捣鍚嶇墖涓婄殑鍚嶅瓧锛氫箶路鍚夋媺寰枫? Meanwhile, the point also is that the customer was there, if you let them know where you are, what you sell, you are likely to be more business opportunities.
Third, the establishment of customer files: learn more about customers
Joe said: "Whether you are selling anything, the most effective way for customers to believe - really believe - do you like him and care about him." If customers have a good impression on you, you hope to increase turnover. To make customers believe that you love him, care about him, then you need to understand customers, to collect all relevant information of customers.
Joe rightly pointed out: If you want to sell things to someone, you should do their best to collect his business-related information with you ... ... no matter what you are selling.濡傛灉浣犳瘡澶╄偗鑺变竴鐐规椂闂存潵浜嗚В鑷繁鐨勯【瀹紝鍋氬ソ鍑嗗锛岄摵骞抽亾璺紝閭d箞锛屼綘灏变笉鎰佹病鏈夎嚜宸辩殑椤惧銆?br />
銆??涔旇涓猴紝鎺ㄩ攢鍛樺簲璇ュ儚涓?彴鏈哄櫒锛屽叿鏈夊綍闊虫満鍜岀數鑴戠殑鍔熻兘锛屽湪鍜岄【瀹氦寰?繃绋嬩腑锛屽皢椤惧鎵?鐨勬湁鐢ㄦ儏鍐甸兘璁板綍涓嬫潵锛屼粠涓妸鎻′竴浜涙湁鐢ㄧ殑鏉愭枡銆?br />
銆??涔旇锛氣?鍦ㄥ缓绔嬭嚜宸辩殑鍗$墖妗f鏃讹紝浣犺璁颁笅鏈夊叧椤惧鍜屾綔鍦ㄩ【瀹㈢殑鎵?湁璧勬枡锛屼粬浠殑瀛╁瓙銆佸棞濂姐?瀛﹀巻銆佽亴鍔°?鎴愬氨銆佹梾琛岃繃鐨勫湴鏂广?骞撮緞銆佹枃鍖栬儗鏅強鍏跺畠浠讳綍涓庝粬浠湁鍏崇殑浜嬫儏锛岃繖浜涢兘鏄湁鐢ㄧ殑鎺ㄩ攢鎯呮姤銆傛墍鏈夎繖浜涜祫鏂欓兘鍙互甯姪浣犳帴杩戦【瀹紝浣夸綘鑳藉鏈夋晥鍦拌窡椤惧璁ㄨ闂锛岃皥璁轰粬浠嚜宸辨劅鍏磋叮鐨勮瘽棰橈紝鏈変簡杩欎簺鏉愭枡锛屼綘灏变細鐭ラ亾浠栦滑鍠滄浠?箞锛屼笉鍠滄浠?箞锛屼綘鍙互璁╀粬浠珮璋堥様璁猴紝鍏撮珮閲囩儓锛屾墜鑸炶冻韫堚?鈥﹀彧瑕佷綘鏈夊姙娉曚娇椤惧蹇冩儏鑸掔晠锛屼粬浠笉浼氳浣犲ぇ澶辨墍鏈涖?鈥?br />
銆??鍥涖?鐚庣姮璁″垝锛氳椤惧甯姪浣犲鎵鹃【瀹?br />
銆??涔旇涓猴紝骞叉帹閿?繖涓?锛岄渶瑕佸埆浜虹殑甯姪銆備箶鐨勫緢澶氱敓鎰忛兘鏄敱鈥滅寧鐘?(閭d簺浼氳鍒汉鍒颁粬閭i噷涔颁笢瑗跨殑椤惧)甯姪鐨勭粨鏋溿?涔旂殑涓?彞鍚嶈█灏辨槸鈥滀拱杩囨垜姹借溅鐨勯【瀹㈤兘浼氬府鎴戞帹閿??銆?br />
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